Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Episode 17 - Endotype Formula - Laura Hullemann
Laura, Creator of the Endotype Formula and Author of My Walk, My Way is such an amazing woman with so much to offer. Join me for this amazing conversation to learn more.
Leighann Lovely 00:15
Let's Talk HR is a place for HR professionals, business Owners, and Employees to come together and share experiences and talk about what's working and what's not. How we can improve best practices so that companies can better attract, train and retain all generations of workers. We all know that there has been a huge shift in what people want. generations are coming together, more than ever, on what's important. Mental health has been brought to the forefront of everyone's mind. Let's humanize these conversations. Let's talk about how the economy has been impacted and what needs to happen to find a balance. I'm your host Leighann lovely. So let's get this conversation started. And remember, if you enjoyed this episode, follow us like us and share us.
Leighann Lovely 01:05
I'm really excited to have my guests with me today. Not only she wild, wildly creative, successful, she's an inspiration. Laura Hulleman, the creator of the endo type formula and author of my walk my way, is a powerful truth teller. Her superpower is helping people believe that being themselves as they are designed is more than enough. Once a person is grounded in their identity, they can begin to operate from their zone of genius and experience more peace every day. Laura spent years researching and recognizing the patterns that create the endo type formula, the most comprehensive and advanced personality assessment available at this time. Right now she takes coaches and entrepreneurs on an adventure into their endo type formula to improve their businesses embody their brand identity and attract their ideal clientele. She and her boys live in a tree house in Wisconsin, where they enjoy cozy fires in the winter and camping, fishing and kayaking all summer long. Laura, thank you so much for coming on and talking with me today. I've been really excited to talk with you. I just think that you have such an awesome, well, I think that your product, your this Endotype Formula is just awesome. And I'm excited to hear about it. So thank you for coming on and talking with me today.
Laura Hulleman 02:39
I'm really happy to be here. Love to talk to HR people about about the Endotype Formula, what it can do for them, and just the business in general.
Leighann Lovely 02:49
So why don't you start off by just telling me a little bit about yourself, your background, that type of stuff.
Laura Hulleman 02:54
Sure, So I have been serially self employed for the majority of my life, somebody asked me today sounds like you've been in business a while. It's like, Well, I started my first business when I was 18. So you know, three years. That's a lie. Um, but I, you know, for the most part have been self employed. I've worked inside corporations and companies as well. But I found out that that didn't really suit me quite as much, I'm a little bit more independent and creative and want to kind of do my own thing. This has really been one of the first years in the last probably nine months that I've gotten to understand that I'm moving from self employment now to business ownership, which is a whole different can of worms and, and having to learn some of that detachment and some of that, so I'm learning many, many new things as I go. My background. I was a life coach and fitness coach for a long period of time. And at one point, I loved personality assessments. I loved studying people. It always fascinated me to figure out even even way back when I was waitressing in my 20s, right, you'd walk up to a table. And if you wanted to maximize your tips, you had to figure out who was in charge of that table. Mm hmm. Because that's the person you defer to as the waitstaff if it's the lady who's in charge of the table. If you show too much interest to that man, your tips go down, and vice versa. So studying people has always been fascinating to me and just seeing how different people work. So personality assessments were a big part of that. And when six years ago, myself and a another couple personality type junkies got together and started comparing systems. I like this one. I like that one. What ended up starting to happen And I was, we started to see where overlap happened, where the flaws in each system happened. And the idea that this was potentially creating something new started to rise to the surface. And so I, we stuck with it, I stuck with it. And the next rate researcher, the next rate person, the next rate conference would come along. And over the last six years, I've developed the Endotype Formula, which I think is a personality assessment that's far, far beyond anything else out there.
Leighann Lovely 05:36
So wow, first of all, that that's awesome on that one, that you stuck with it, because there are so many personality assessments out there, but they're all slightly different in the way that they look at, you know, the person the way that they, you know, identify different traits. And in the idea behind it is to try to understand that, you know, the individual in the way they learn or the way they they understand information, the way that you're supposed to teach them, if they're going to be a fit for the culture, that type of thing. But something that you that you said really stood out to me, because I remember, as a kid, when we would go out to dinner, when you said, you know, as a waitress, you have to immediately try to identify, you know, the individual, the head of the table, or whoever that might be the payer at the table. And that that is psychology, 100% Psychology. 101 is really identifying your target target audience, and then not paying too much attention to one person because you don't want to alienate so. So here's, here's an interesting story, because my dad was always the person who, you know, would lay down the credit card, that doesn't mean that he's the one who has all of the money. It doesn't. I mean, my parents were both brought in money, they both worked. He just happened to be the one who had laid on the credit card. And I remember once the waitress, putting her hands on my dad's shoulder and making a couple of comments, and she walked away and my, my, my dad's wife said, Wow, she's really laying it on thick. She thinks that he works, and I don't. And I went, Well, why does it matter? And she goes, she is now insulting me. And thinks that she's going to get a really big tip, because she's cozying up to who she thinks is the moneymaker. And I'm like, and and I think I was maybe 14 or 15. So I was old enough to understand that. But you're right. psychology behind that is yeah, you you want to cozy up to the moneymaker to get the bigger tip. But that, in turn, actually, you know, hurt her because at that point, my dad was seeing that, you know, his wife was doing Wait a second. No, that that's not that's inappropriate. Now you've overstepped your bounds. So yeah, the psychology behind individual the psychology behind people is, so interesting. And you clearly you have that interest from a very young age. Yeah. So this is this has not been just a recent journey. This has been a lifelong study of individuals. And you mentioned that you were what you work you were owner of what impact? No, yeah. Impact fitness.
Laura Hulleman 08:26
Yep, that was my gym.
Leighann Lovely 08:27
And then you did some what? Coaching you were a retreat facilitator. Yep. And, and you mentioned that you've kind of made that jump from a independence, but now to really truly a business owner,
Laura Hulleman 08:42
Right. Yeah. And, and, you know, and all the way along, if you would have asked me, I would have told you guys, I own my own business, like, right, just off the shoulders, right. I own my own business. But I was self employed. I was still doing the trading time for money. And it was all me, I break a leg, I'm done. You know, like, I hurt myself, I get sick, I'm dead. And at this point being so so then I started to see oh, that's not how I can actually grow this company. And this idea, right? I feel like I'm the steward of this really great tool. And this really, this tool has so many, many, many applications, that what I now need to do is I need to take a step back and away even from some of the things that I love. I love being the coach right and doing life coaching and facilitating and whatever. I love all that. And it's not my job right now. My job right now is to take this step back and become more of the educator, more of the information distributor working with people who do coaching in these different areas. So life coaching, HR Mark Marketing, whatever it is helping them to understand how the endo type formula can apply inside of their specialty, help them do their job better. Because that gets this idea out there in a way that alone, I could never have done. Right, I'm I can only talk to so many people a day, right? But now if I make a little army of fans, a little army of people equipped using the endo type formula who are out there, whether they're talking about it directly, or they're just using it indirectly, in what they do, it is able to do the job that it's here to do, which is help people be more of who they are, but understand that they don't need to be more than who they are. And, and just get that out there. That message and that understanding, get that out there. I have to take a different role inside of my company to be able to do so.
Leighann Lovely 10:55
Right, Yeah, so you've made that jump from independence to actual business owner? And having employees?
Laura Hulleman 11:05
Yeah, I've brought on a project manager, I am working with kind of system builder. You know, like that's she build systems. That's what she does. To take care of my systems. For me, I have somebody that I can refer I can. She's my administrative assistant, right? I call a color my Kenya girl. Can you do this? And can you do this for me? So my Kenya girl. And then I actually hired my teenager, my 17 year old, who who sits right here by me during the day, he does virtual schooling, and so and he has an eye for design. So the majority of my social media, graphics and things, I'm like, Hey, can you put this up? Yep, sure can. So I have multiple people that I'm now working to be able to go, Okay, how do I not do it all? And that was something I had to train my brain to do. We, my project manager and I set up a Friday afternoon question that she has to Marco Polo and asked me, What did you want to get done this week? Or hope to get done this week? That didn't? Because on Monday, I entered the workweek dreamy eyed and excited, right? Oh, it's a brand new week, right? can get so much stuff done. But on Friday, I'm in this like, that's right. I was supposed to send out that contract. Oh, that's right. I was supposed to follow up on this email. And, and I've done it myself for so long. Mm hmm. That I don't, I'm not in the pattern or the habit of delegating. And so that's the pattern and the habit that I need someone to help me create. And that Friday question allows me to go, oh, maybe that's not if that's gotten put off more than one week? Maybe that's not my job who could do this job? And what do they need to be able to be equipped to do this job? So looking for those patterns of delegation? Right?
Leighann Lovely 13:07
Yeah. And that's, and that's awesome that you are able to able to do that and discover that in yourself, because most people are not. Most people will continue that cycle over and over and over. And that's insanity. Right, literally the definition of insanity. So, here's what I'm sure everybody is wondering. So what is the endo type formula? explain this a little bit more in detail to to me so and into our audience so that we understand how it is different than your typical, you know, disc assessments to your typical, you know, how is that different?
Laura Hulleman 13:50
Yeah. So, you know, in, in HR and in with most personality assessments, right, there's Strength Finders, there's Myers Briggs, there's disc, those are kind of the tops. There's a few other ones out there that are pretty cool, too. But they're usually testing for one thing. Myers Briggs is trying to assess how do you think which is very helpful. Disc tends to look for those patterns in how you behave. Are you more direct, are you more influential? And then I can I can change my approach to be able to meet you where you're at? Strengths Finder finders, what do you know how to do? Well? They're looking for a thing Enneagram it looks for kind of like, what are your cravings? What are your emotional makeups what the Intertape formula does is it recognizes the fact that we are not one. We are all of those things. We are not just thinkI beings we are not just feely beings. We are Are all of them. And so our quiz tests how you think. But those thought patterns based on Jung in cognitive theory, right break based on those thought functions connect to for each individual specific energetic cravings, kind of like what Enneagram talks about, but it connects in a predictable way. So I can test how you think. And then I know what you crave. And I and what your strengths are what you do so easily. It's like breathing, you put that out into the world, knowing that I now have an inside look at how you work, to be able to match my marketing to you to be able to match my offers to you to be able to satiate those inner cravings that you have that here's the thing as humans, we kind of suck at self assessment or at self awareness, I'm sorry. And so I don't even know what my own cravings are. Right? So, for instance, my dad, his endo type has a big craving for worth. He wants to feel worthy. In our culture, and especially in our culture, I think for men, even more worthiness has been connected to money. So my dad thinks that he needs to get paid what he's worth, right. And so he chases the money. He chased the money in his career. What he really wanted was to be valued, and to be valued in a very specific way he wanted to be heard, which is also part of his I know type, he has a craving to be able to make sure that you're hearing what he's saying. If his company knew that, if any of the last five companies he was with because he had about a two year cycle, before he was headhunted into another company, as a, he was a computer network security person. So he was highly, highly headhunted. And he was always offered more money, and a bigger, you know, bigger benefits package. And away he went, there he went, what he wanted was to feel worthy, if they had made him feel valued in the way that he needed to be, he would have stayed, he never would have gone searching after the money. Because that craving would have been satiated from the inside. So in in any kind of a relationship, whether that's in our personal relationships, or that in our work relationships, there are these there are these things. So worthiness, significance, being being who we are, right identity is a big craving for me. Having connection, feeling like you belong, all of these things are part of everyone's endo type formula, either as a craving, or as something we put out into the world really, really easily and do very well on our possibility side of our endo type. So, right, that's a that's a very broad picture. But that's why I say it, it, it's, yeah, we're able to predict how you think once you answer those five questions, I can tell you the same stuff that Myers Briggs tells you. But we have so much more, I can understand who you are as far as the DISC profile. But we can get target, not just this big, you know, 100 100 foot viewpoint that disc gets, we can get right down into the details of it all.
Leighann Lovely 18:56
And that's really interesting, especially in a world like, that we're living in today, because people, it's not just about bringing somebody in and understanding how we're going to train them or what their personality type is. It's today it really is about the drivers of, of what drives somebody, whether that be family, whether that be feeling valued, whether that be I mean, and that is the world we're living in today. That's the shift that over the last two years we have seen the world take people more than ever are using their I don't want to say feelings but it is it comes down to there. I no longer want to feel like a number.
Laura Hulleman 19:50
Correct? Yeah. Especially in this post COVID world where, right? When we were just nine to five in or you know just Do you go to work, you go to work, you go to work, you go to work, we didn't have a lot of time to sit down and reflect and go, What do I really want out of this life? Right, but COVID made everybody sit on their butt and go, Oh, this is what it's like not to go into work today. Hmm. Interesting. Is this really what I want?
Leighann Lovely 20:24
And it's not even it became, oh, wait, I can work from my couch and be just as productive. And I'm not saying that everybody is just as productive. This is the, you know, the new argument that everybody's having, can employees be as productive from home? Do you know not everybody is on that train. We talked with employees every day, I want to go into the office. Great. That's, that is that person's preference. But there are hundreds of 1000s of people who say, I can be just as productive. Sitting at home, on my couch at my kitchen table. I mean, there are hundreds of 1000s of people who have now created a room in their house that is just dedicated to having an office. Yep. For very inexpensive i i created the Office at my my home for pennies. I mean, I converted cabinet into a desk. I mean, yeah. So the the feelings behind that if you could literally pull up somebody's profile, before you go into their three months, six months review and say, Okay, this is this is this person's, the driver for this person is to feel valued. Before you have that conversation, and cater your review towards that and then ask them so what what are your thoughts? We want to know? You know, do you think that we could do XYZ better here? And to actually have them be heard? To have them feel valued at the company, the retention would skyrocket at some of these companies? Yep. And yeah, that's, that's awesome. And you can't You're right, you cannot do that with with disc, assess. I mean, I've taken as a salesperson, every time I you know, every time I shouldn't say I've taken hundreds, you know, but every time I've applied or when I was applying to, as soon as you know, you go through the initial interview, um, we're gonna send you this a DISC assessment, or we're gonna send you this Yep. This assessment. It's like I've taken I don't know, how many of those.
Laura Hulleman 22:38
Yeah. know, the thing is, there's, it's usually just too many questions. First of all, like, you have to clear your schedule, and make yourself a cup of coffee and sit down for your, you know, 100 questions, because they put in a lot of redundancies, because the way they ask the questions isn't dialed in enough to go this or this. And the other thing that they do is they, a lot of the assessments out there tend to put you on a gradient scale, right, somewhat, or, you know, very much. That triggers a thing in our brain that triggers our brain function of comparing. Now, all of a sudden, I'm answering all these questions in this fear based flopsweat? I don't know, maybe little Oh, I'm comparing myself to others. What's the right answer here? There, it is a real challenge. And because of that, you tend to not get accurate data. I had taken the Myers Briggs questionnaire, um, I had probably taken it five different times, had come up with two different results. Never saw the value of Myers Briggs, I kind of hated it. And that was way back when the endo type thing first started. I was a disc gal. And the other researcher was a Myers Briggs person. And I was like, no, no, no, that that stinks. I hate that one. And she's like, No, it's best. And I was like, 30, whatever questions boring. And she's like, No, no, no, we can get you there and much fewer questions because she had worked in how to dial in some of those questions. Well, with her questions, I finally was typed, right. I had never been typed correctly, because of how they would ask the introvert extrovert question. Their introvert extrovert question was always kind of like if you're at a party. Are you out on the dance floor or you sitting having a quiet conversation in the corner? Well, girl I love dance. In I am on the dance floor. What it didn't ask me was after that party's over how many days of alone time does it take before you want to see another person again? Right? What's What's your recovery time after that? And I had always been typed extrovert instead of introvert. Because the questions just aren't dialed in. Right? That's, that's the other place that we really have to watch what assessments that we are giving people. Because great you took it, but wasn't even accurate.
Leighann Lovely 25:32
Right, well, and I am a horrible dancer. So I am, I am an extrovert, through and through, if you're at a networking event, I will be all over that place. But at a dance party, I am probably not going to be on the dance floor.
Laura Hulleman 25:49
Right, it's just not dialed in enough. It's not dialed in. When we ask a similar, we're not actually testing for introvert extrovert. We are one of the questions inside our quiz. And I'm not going to get exactly the nuance, right. But what we ask people is, are you more dominant? And can be submissive when you need to be? Or are you more submissive, go with the flow, whatever, and can become dominant when you need to be right. That's that extrovert introvert thing? Yeah. I prefer to take charge. I can I can sit back and chill, or I prefer somebody else to make the decisions. But if nobody's going to make a decision, we're not going to say her all day. Yeah, I'll step up. And so asking that question, just slightly different, to be able to get at the information we're actually trying to ask, or we're actually trying to get out because even these days, introvert and extrovert, right? It's it's the new hot trend to be ambivert. an ambivert, which means like both, I'm both Well, we are all both. Nobody wants to go live in a cave.
Leighann Lovely 27:02
Wait, is that an option? Oh, I know, there's new words for everything. Every once in a while somebody will say something to me. And I'm like, am I the only one in the room that doesn't know what that means? That everybody will look at me and go, No, I just I don't want to sound like an idiot. I don't know what that means either. And I'm like, okay, so this is one of those new words that came up. That was created just recently, and I'm like, Okay, I'm showing my age here. Mm hmm. Yeah, I am. 100%. extrovert have been from the time that I was a kid. And you're right. If you asked me, Are you, you know, dominant and submissive, when you need to be absolute. That would that's 100%. Me. I will volunteer, I will stand up and take charge. When I but if I need to be submissive, if I need to be quiet. I need absolutely I follow I mean, that's another thing about you know, following the room. But if you simply just ask me, Are you dominant? Or are you submissive? I'd be like, Well, yeah, I mean, I'm dominant. But, you know, there's some times that I'm submissive. Right? I mean, when you when you ask it that black and white, you're kind of like, huh, yeah, huh. I guess I fall in the middle. I mean,
Laura Hulleman 28:15
Yeah. And and, you know, there's, there's some people who take our quiz who don't like that, they only get like, one shot at a question kind of thing. You know, like, Are you this? Or are you this, but when they, so it's only five questions takes less than five minutes, and they get to the end, and they see a preview of their results. Does this sound like you? If it doesn't sound like you? There was probably one of those questions that you struggled with one of those questions that it was like, I could maybe go either way. Go back, answer that question differently this time. And then they'll get the the other result. And they're like, oh, yeah, that was it. That was me. And, and that still takes less time than the 30 to 100 questions of every other quiz out there. You know, and so yeah, so there are some people who, who kind of pride themselves on wanting to be both, but we have and we can be we can be both in any of the questions that I ask. Dominant submissive, are you more worrying about people's feelings or more worrying about what's right? Interesting. I get that we, we all do both, right. But it's kind of like, each of us has a dominant leg that we use to climb the stairs. We don't we don't even recognize it. But there's one foot that we always step first with when it's time to climb stairs, right? Which foot is it for you hear people's feelings first? Ooh, how are they gonna react to this? Or I gotta say this because it's right. Oh, I should probably figure out people's feelings to you know kind of thing.
Leighann Lovely 29:59
For me, I know immediately what I would answer to, to the question, I mean, immediate. I gotta take the quiz. I gotta take this. Yay. Good job. So, yeah, I'm going to, I think what you offered, you offered that to me, didn't you do
Laura Hulleman 30:15
It right now at the quiz at this point, and it won't stay this way forever. But at this point, the phrase, or the phrase, the quiz is available on our website at no cost. So if you go to endo, and you take the quiz, you'll be able to in less than five minutes, see your results. And unstart understanding a little bit more about yourself. And people are always very surprised, because because we're only asking those five questions, and then they're like, how do you know these things about me? Because because they're the pattern that make up who you are. Right?
Leighann Lovely 30:55
Creepy? No
Laura Hulleman 30:58
Yeah, exactly.
Leighann Lovely 30:59
So um, here's the next question that you now you recently released a book, you put out a book, my walk my way, I'd love to hear you tell me a little bit about this?
Laura Hulleman 31:10
Yeah, absolutely. Um, so my friend and I, it actually started we were having we were both kind of in for different reasons, but having a bad day. And, and we were talking about this project that she was involved in, that was kind of like this theme of it was like, walk a mile in my shoes. And I was like, God, I hate that. I was like, I know people say it, because they want to they what they're trying to say is, let's be more empathetic, and think about other people. But what it actually is, is more like, I'm so different than, like walk a mile in my shoes, it creates comparison, it creates this disconnect from people. I was like, and I don't want to read stories like that. I want to read a story. Like, I walked in my own dang shoes. Here's my story. Here's how I did it my own way. And. And I was like, huh, I would really like to read a book like that. Like, maybe we should write a book like that. What could that look like? And so we brought together 11 women authors, in they weren't authors prior to some of them had written prior to this. But a lot of them were just amazing. Women with this very powerful story to tell about that time in their life, when they decided that outside of comparison, and and how is everybody else doing it outside of the experts? How are they is everybody telling me I should do this. They decided to do their life their own way. And so inside of that book, we have some business stories, we have some stories of people who have decided to do business on their own terms, and create, you know, a completely different experience for themselves. We have stories of people leaving domestic violence, we have stories of people parenting, or taking care of their aging parents, leaving generational trauma and generational body shaming. And saying, You know what, this stops here, I'm not going to pass this on to my kids. They're really brilliant stories. And out of those 11 authors, we have 10 Different endo types. Oh, wow. So as part of the book, you can take the quiz, right? You can read the book, because it is beautiful, inspiring, powerful stories. You can take the quiz, and then go Who do I think most like here? Let me go read her story. Oh, yeah, I relate to this, maybe a little bit too much. And, and to be able to see that or get together as a book club, we've created a book club guide, have your friends be able to take the quiz to and go, Oh, you're like that one. Okay, I see you. And so it was this really neat opportunity for people to you know, however, they approach the book, either as an inspiring story as something where they're trying to learn more about themselves or trying to learn more about the people in their lives through this book.
Leighann Lovely 34:21
That's awesome. And it's so interesting that I did not know I don't think that I realized that it was all of them had the different endo endo type formulas that that is that's crazy. Cool. I, I have the book. In fact, I actually had it sitting right next to me. I've opened it and started reading it a couple of times. And I'll tell you, you know with four year old it's difficult to assignment. But it's yeah, I'm I'm so excited to read it. And I yeah, I'm so excited to read it. It's just it's amazing that you put that out Yeah, amazing that you got that, in put this together, I'm, yeah, I'm looking forward to actually having five minutes to myself where I can sit down and dive in.
Laura Hulleman 35:08
And if you're more of an, if you're more of an audio content kind of gal, we actually have the my walk my way podcast where I'm interviewing each of those authors and talking about their endo types. In the book, we don't really teach endo type in this book. On the podcast, we're getting a lot more into the nitty gritty of their endo types. And I'm actually working on a project right now, with the book, I'm gathering up awesome. Leaders, you know, both of different genders of different races, different walks of life, to be able to create a book where we teach endo type through stories, right? That's kind of like, this is why I am the way I am kind of thing.
Leighann Lovely 36:01
Well, and it's yeah, it's I love to hear, you know, women, men's inspiring stories of how they overcame something, obviously, with my background of having by, you know, bipolar disorder, having a mother who, you know, also struggled, you know, for, well, her whole life with it. And, and obviously, my my mom, and I have very, very different personality types. I am definitely, very much my dad, businessman, you know, a type personality, my mom, very much not, I would not even begin to know what her personality type is, but very much more of a very much more of quiet and not very, she would be much more on the submissive side. I think I think years ago, I was I was offered the opportunity to have my whole family do the DISC assessment, which was interesting. And and yeah, I don't anyways, I'm on a tangent. But yeah, I know, I love inspiring stories of how people have overcome, whether that be personal or business or so yeah, no, that this is great. This is awesome. So
Laura Hulleman 37:14
Thank you. Yeah, it was a fun project.
Leighann Lovely 37:16
Yeah. Did you talk about the possibility of doing something like this? Like another book? Yeah, maybe? Yeah,
Laura Hulleman 37:24
That's fine. Yep, that's the plan is, is the next, the next book will answer more of the question of like, here's why I'm like that, that that's the, you know, where this one was, like, here's that moment when I decided kind of story, right? This is more looking at people's life story and going, this is why I'm like this. And then they're going to tell their life stories. And we're going to nurture out the endo type elements so that I can teach the endo type through their story. And go, do you see how, you know, do you see how, you know, we'll use my dad as an example. Do you see how Andy, because he craved worth so much, was willing to jump to that next job here, and the next one, and the next one after that, because of his innate craving to be valued. And so taking the experiences, and then showing it right, it's kind of like, I'll pre highlight the book for you. So that you can see where all those juicy bits are. And the plan is with this next book, that we will actually be creating some training programs, with the use of this book in different areas. So for coaching, for HR for, you know, other things, we can take one book, and then create different courses around that book.
Leighann Lovely 38:52
Awesome. Awesome.
Laura Hulleman 38:53
Leighann Lovely 38:54
So um, we are coming to time, but I have the question of the season. If you could pinpoint a time period in your career that made a huge difference in your life or career path. When would that be and why?
Laura Hulleman 39:11
Probably the bigger one would be so one of my innate cravings, right? On my endo type formula is a craving for significance. And it's the one that comes up over and over and over. It's, you know, how we keep saying like, we're trying to learn the same lessons over and over. Yeah, that's me and significant. And, and so I have this big tool. I had this endo type formula about two years ago. And it had started working with a coach I'd worked with in the past. She wasn't really a business coach, but I got the sense that she was able to help me do the thing that I needed, which was a little bit of business coaching. And she agreed, we sat down, we tried to figure some stuff out. She's like, What do you want? And I was like, okay, Here's what I want for this company did edited it editor. She's like, that's very interesting. That is not actually what I asked, What do you want? Oh, dang it. This is what I did in my last business is that I put everybody else and the business first and kept forgetting what I wanted, kept forgetting my role, my importance, my significance. Having that on my radar now allows me to make such different choices like bringing on a project manager or going, that's intro, you know, cuz everybody has an idea of what this intertype formula should do. That's interesting. That's not actually my job, because I know that it wouldn't bring me peace and joy and and it wouldn't put me in the position that I need to be in. So I think that having that conversation two years ago, and then continuing, we did probably, I think it was a six month coaching program. And that was just an and she's still somebody that I see very regularly, so she can keep going. And excuse me, and do you think that's a significant thing again? Yep. Okay, yep, there it is. All right. Back to the drawing board, let me make a different choice. But having that so clearly on my radar now, has just allowed my business to just really go crazy in the last two years of opening up and, and expanding in, in an organic way, right in in a way that I'm not stressing myself out, because I continue to remember that I'm significant. And that going out and fishing in the summertime is high on my list of things to do.
Leighann Lovely 41:52
That, wow, that we as individuals don't realize sometimes that we are our own worst enemies. And, and I say that, you know, for all people out there who are interested in running their own business or doing their own thing, because we so we, our default setting is to say, well, I can't do it, because XYZ or but having a true understanding of your own self and what that that thing is your your for you it's the significance, had no true understanding of what power that would hold.
Laura Hulleman 42:37
Right? Because see, all my my business mistakes that I made in the past where I said, I was overworking and putting myself last and doing for my family and doing because that whole time I was trying to earn or prove my significance, right? Because if I do more for them, and I work my tail off, and I come home and be the good mom, like, Look, Mom, I'm important. Now look, Mom, I guess I am significant. The whole time, what I write my internals were trying to guide me to is you need to make the decision, knowing your significant, right, not trying to earn it anymore.
Leighann Lovely 43:18
And it's in it's just for me, it just recently came clear what my you know, the imposter syndrome, you know, is such a real thing. And it didn't really dawn on me until I was actually at a at a summit the young guns Summit, not just the resource. Sure, but the the one before that. And they were talking about it and it hit me like a ton of bricks and I went holy crap. Like I really have issues with that. Yeah, like me for me.
Laura Hulleman 43:47
Yep. Right, where, right? There is one part of us that predicts our imposter syndrome. And for me, that's where significance connects. For somebody else. It's going to be work where belonging or whatever, there is a way to predict exactly what your imposter syndrome sounds like, we're going to do a whole event on it in October, but planning a whole event on it.
Leighann Lovely 44:11
It's, and right if you can identify exactly where that comes from. And I have an idea. I mean, I really do. It's, you know, I have a four year old and I feel guilty when I'm at work. I feel guilty when I'm with her. You know, I feel guilty when I have to go to a networking meeting, I feel you know, I go there and I want to have fun and enjoy myself but I feel guilty that I'm not at home with her and but if I'm not working I feel right. Right. Where does it where does it end? There's you know, you you have to you and I know that there are people listening who go yep, I do the exact same thing all the time. And it's the mindset this the switch that you have to figure out how do I turn it off? Because I know that I'm great at my job. I know that I'm a good mom. How do I how do I stop the default setting from going back to, you know, you're not spending enough time with your daughter, you're not spending enough time at work you're not doing? How do you how do you stop that default setting? And just, yeah, right,
Laura Hulleman 45:17
What once we understand what the craving is that we have, and we can name that, so for me, I named it, I understand it, its significance right now and understand what that inner guidance is trying to propel you towards, it gets a whole lot easier. So take the quiz, we'll reconnect. And I'll be like, Okay, you're gonna, this is my name, you're gonna fix this brand name. And this is what you want. And at least then you'll have it on your radar, right? Sure.
Leighann Lovely 45:47
Perfect. Hey, I just accomplished one of my goals is to fix my impact. No. Okay. So this has been such an awesome conversation with you today. It truly has you. I mean, this is you just your one, the endo type formula is as awesome. I'm excited to take that to the book. I mean, if you want to check it out, here's where you're going to take the reins, Laura, how can somebody get in contact with you? How can somebody find your book, all of that?
Laura Hulleman 46:19
Sure. So if they're trying to find the book, you can buy it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble at your local bookstores. But if you want to just easy to remember, right, my walk my From there, you can buy the book you can download, get free guides, can download book club information, you can see our authors get on our podcast, all those things. If you're looking to end, you can take the quiz there too. If you're looking more to just access the quiz, endo And you can find me on most social media platforms. So if you just want to connect with the Endotype on Instagram or Facebook, LinkedIn, we're on all those platforms.
Leighann Lovely 47:04
Excellent. Again, Laura, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. It's been an awesome conversation.
Laura Hulleman 47:11
Thank you for having me here. I appreciate it.
Leighann Lovely 47:13
Thank you again for listening to Let's Talk HR. I appreciate your time and support. Without you the audience this would not be possible. So don't forget that if you enjoyed this episode, to follow us, like us or share us. Have a wonderful day.
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