Wednesday May 04, 2022
Episode 18 - B.A.D - Blessed, Anointed and Destined - Dana Williamson
Tune in for a truly authentic conversation with Dana and me as she walks through her path of discovery and why she is so amazing at helping others find their path.
Join us!
Dana Williamson
Leighann Lovely 00:15
Let's Talk HR is a place for HR professionals, business owners and employees to come together and share experiences and talk about what's working and what's not. How we can improve best practices so that companies can better attract, train and retain all generations of workers. We all know that there has been a huge shift in what people want. generations are coming together, more than ever, on what's important. Mental health has been brought to the forefront of everyone's mind. Let's humanize these conversations. Let's talk about how the economy has been impacted and what needs to happen to find a balance. I'm your host Leighann Lovely. So let's get this conversation started. And remember, if you enjoyed this episode, follow us like us and share us.
Leighann Lovely 01:06
I had an amazing conversation with my guest today prior to this, this episode and I am so excited to get this conversation started with her. She takes such an amazing approach to her business, her coaching and so I'm excited to introduce Dina Williamson. She is a business and lifestyle counselor, author and ministry leader. First starting as an entrepreneur in February of 99 to be a to be home for her children creating financial stability Dana changed her business name from C.K.Q. Gifts to B.A.D the last anointed and destined for many of her first years as an entrepreneur Dana struggled to find her footing she was an is excellent at crafting and designing. But helping people was an is her passion. As a faith filled entrepreneur, she stepped back spoke to God and thus found her footing in what he wanted. Hence the name change in 2015. As a business and lifestyle counselor Miss Williamson brings to the table her experience in business and how her life cultivated many changes. In the 23 years she's been an entrepreneur, she also has been a student, Dana shares with her clients how to get through the issues of life by getting over people and applying the right concept for continued growth and success. Under the bat brand, Dana offers many services to help when women find their Beauty from Ashes. Miss Williamson is a mother of four adult children, and a Nana to five grandchildren. Dana, it is so awesome to talk with you again and have you on my podcast. So welcome. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. Excellent. So I am I'm really excited to talk to you about you know, really your path. And you know, why don't you just start off by telling me a little bit about yourself.
Dana Williamson 03:20
well, oh, you know what, let me start this way. I am Dana Williamson. As you all know, now
Dana Williamson 03:27
I am a business and lifestyle counselor for the bad brand and bad stands for blessed, anointed and destined. It is a limited liability company where I help women of faith who are in business been in business a couple of years, I help them find themselves past a fork in the road that they're in. So I help them figure out why they're stuck. And one of the most I think I bring to the table in order to help women in their business is the fact that I probably would have been where they are. And it helps to have someone that can really give you that be transparent and be that friend to pull you out of a stump so that's that's what I do for the bad plan. I'm commonly referred to as bad code today. No, or the original bad clean little round table.
Leighann Lovely 04:17
I love that. That's so great. And I think what I think the first time that we really met you had a shirt that said ba D bad quick I think it's a queen didn't it? Did it say B.A.D Queen or B.A.D something? and I just love it. I mean it's great. You are your brand.
Dana Williamson 04:38
Yes ma'am. I should do I should do I think I wear my brand on my sleeve.
Leighann Lovely 04:45
That's great. That's awesome. So you are you are a business lifestyle coach, and you have a style all your own, which I absolutely love. So, you know, tell me a little bit more about that. You know, how did you become, you know, lifestyle coach. And yeah, tell me a little bit about your journey to that.
Dana Williamson 05:09
Well, then, you know, it was one of the hardest things to accept one of the hardest things to kind of bite the bullet on. I started in business, creating Bath and Body, gift bags, or gift baskets, and doing networking events. And one thing I learned about myself over the years was, I liked creating different things for people to buy for gifts. But I loved helping people to establish businesses, to build businesses. And after being in business, trying to get the gifts off the ground, I realized I liked it, but it wasn't my passion. And I think around 2007, anywhere between 2005 and 2007, I decided, you know, what, coaching is my thing. This is what I want to do, I want to see other people make it, I don't want people to just purchase from me, I want to see other people make it. And so my journey, I went from having gifts to planning events, business, networking, events, weddings, whatever, vendor events to just coaching. And that has been my safe haven my bread and butter. Yet, when you speak about, you know my own style, and this, I had to take a step back, even in coaching, and realize where I was when it came down to my faith. And I don't I don't want to offend anyone in your audience or whatnot. But it's it's my faith that has been really strong in building the bad brand, and realizing where I am as a coach. This is why I say to people, I'm a business lifestyle counselor, commonly referred to as bad coach Dana, because eventually I do start coaching on a level where everyone kind of understands, oh, yeah, this is what she does. She coaches that she counsels us to get us right. But then she coaches us to keep going down that right path. So yeah, I think the foundation is my faith. But when I started, it didn't look anything like coaching. But that's my passion. I love helping women.
Leighann Lovely 07:21
Well, and don't say, you know, I don't want to offend anybody in my audience, by all means, the audience that I have, I think that they know, I'm very much about, you know, inclusion, whether that be, you know, hey, I'm out there, I talk about my bipolar disorder, I talk about the acceptance of, of everybody. And that includes people who have different faiths. So if that is a huge part of who you are, and it clearly is, because you are also an author and a minister, and owner. You know, you've had other companies, you know, tell me more about, you know, that, and obviously, you know, your faith plays such a huge role in your life. So that is something that absolutely, I opened the door for you to talk about how that has impacted your life. Because the reason that we all do what we do, is because there's a driver behind it, and those are the things that are, are truly passionate, you know, are what drives me to do what I do, which is to have this podcast, to allow everybody to have their own voice in the things that they're passionate about.
Dana Williamson 08:29
Exactly. Exactly. Well, I, when I originally started the gifts business, which is called CQ gifts. If anyone knows me, I love acronyms. So nonetheless, when I started the gifts business, the first few years in, I reestablished my faith in the Lord. And I said, you know, I started this because I wanted to make money and be available for my children. I said, But I realized that there's something in me that has to make sure I give back to God. And so I wanted to prayer about it. And I attempted to change my tagline saying, this is the gifts business because God has given me gifts. And so I'm giving this back in a form, you know, for him to other people. And I think that was another one of the main reasons why I went into coaching, because it wasn't enough. It wasn't cool. I really was, you know, creating a gift basket or something with something that someone can buy for a certain event, but really touching someone every day. And what they're trying to build every day was was really where I was at. And so when I realized that there was a part of me that was holding me back in the coaching had he reestablishing everything so so if I could really get have you on another basis, see CKQ Gift, became CKQ LLC. And that wasn't enough, that wasn't what I was being pulled to see CKQ LLC, then was renamed in 2015, to bat blessed anointing destiny. And it was in that entire process from 2007 to 2013. That show me, you know, here's all of you, here's the experiences you've had, as a child, here's the experiences you've had as a teenager, a young adult, someone walking into ministry, who doesn't really want to walk into ministry, you know, really, I ran from it, who can bring all of that to the table for women entrepreneurs, market, or women entrepreneurs of faith, but it's, it doesn't stop there. It's just like you I am inclusive, anyone who needs me, I'm gonna be available for you, you just, I just have this faith base, this Faith Foundation. And, you know, I think the hardest part in that whole transition, was realizing that I had so much to bring to the table, I could counsel or coach, a person in business, because I did reject myself, I did not have that self esteem, that high self esteem at that time, I just knew I was supposed to be doing something answering, you know, my calling, but I was still running from it. And so even at this point, as we're talking today, there have been so many learning components as to what helps me to help another. It's not, it's, it's, it's not, I don't care what anyone says, stepping out on faith or not, to build a business to be in a career that you know, you want to be in, is not an easy thing. And even if you've been in it, three to five years now, it's still not easy, because times change, you know, what I'm saying? And, and, and lifestyles change, and, and we know Internet changes every day. So when, I look at what, how I coach, also look at what I write, um, you thank you for mentioning the fact that yes, sometimes I forget that I'm an author. But in that same breath, there's the times where someone just like me, who can coach who can speak, who can do all of those different things in person, there are times where we just can't. And then we write. And those are the times where we probably reach someone without even knowing if you know what if I can give you an testimony or example, so to speak, something that just happened in the past five days, a lady reached out to me on Facebook inbox on Messenger and said, Hey, um, I just read your chapter in blah, blah, book. And I would love to get some assistance and starting my own podcast, I want to be a speaker, and yada, yada, yada. And I read the message like, what? You read what? And I said, Could you show me a picture of the book you're talking about? That was the first question I asked her. It wasn't even Oh, thank you. I'm so glad. Yes, a coach Daly can help you. I said, No. Could you show me the book you're talking about? I want to make sure she's talking to the right person. And sure enough, it's a book that's called I am woman. And I was one of the authors in the anthology. Leighann, we wrote this book six years ago. And she contacted me Friday.
Leighann Lovely 14:14
Print never dies.
Dana Williamson 14:16
Never dies, never dies. She said someone had given her the book about three or four years ago. And she finally sat down last week and read it and my chapter stuff out. So she searched me out. And so we're connecting, she's joining my membership and all of that. But I say that to say, to tie in, sometimes, we, we don't talk face to face, we don't get on podcasts, we don't record our own vlogs we don't do those things because sometimes we just take a step back and we just write and at that point, I have wrote this particular chapter. And here it is six years later and someone found me and that, too, is a, a strong inclination of where you're where my faith is. Because you never know, what you participated in years ago, will open up doors. You just have to trust that one day it will.
Leighann Lovely 15:14
Absolutely. You know, it's funny because I was having a conversation with somebody not too long ago, and we were talking about networking. And she's like, you know, I, I met with somebody, but I'm not really sure that we'll ever be able to help each other, you know, this person is doing this. And we don't really align. And I said, you know, what, in a year from now, you may all of the sudden align, or you may go, wow, wait, I remember talking to somebody, I can help that. But you have no idea what impact you put out today could have on somebody a year from now, six years from now, especially if it's in writing somewhere, especially if it's in a book, you know, how often some people come over to my house, and they look at my bookshelf, and they're like, Oh, this looks like a really good book. Can I Can I borrow it? And I'm like, sure. Some of them are fiction, some of them are nonfiction. But, you know, again, I know that a lot of people now read on, you know, Kindles and everything else. But I still have a lot of my favorite books. I buy specifically in print, because I go back expecially, especially business books, I go back and I highlight, you know, areas in those books.
Dana Williamson 16:21
Leighann Lovely 16:22
I reread them, I have reread what Who Moved My Cheese, like 8 billion times. It's, you know, it's a book about change. It's a book about and what is constantly happening, change, it never goes away. And I there are times where I have to sit back and go, yep, I'm really pushing against this change. And the more you push against it, the harder it is to accept it. And eventually you have to accept it. It's just one of those things anyways. Now, you said something that really intrigued me. You mentioned your faith going into the minister, you you ran from it. Why did you run from it?
Dana Williamson 17:11
Because I was not. That was not where my life was at that time. When I when I had two people. And I'll tell you trying to tell you the story in this short version as I possibly get
Leighann Lovely 17:28
Three hours. Right? I know, right?
Dana Williamson 17:31
So, I was working for city government. AndI was the department head, okay. And my department, my supervisor hired somebody in to join my department, and temporary person. And at first me and this person were like, at each other's throats and Bobo blah. And she said, I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why God has me here. And bla bla bla, and I'm just like, I need a drink. Dealing with you. And my life was just not, you know, and talking to her. This was in 2004, because I had just gotten. I had just recently been married and talking to her over the next few weeks, few months or what not that she was there. We both realized, I mean, I knew the Lord had a relationship with him, but not a real relationship. We both realized that she was on that on the job to help me and a lot of spiritually, a lot of things that I would share with her because finally we got got past being at each other's throats and created a good friendship. Realize that there was something about me that I didn't realize, was a prophetic person. I'm most most people understand being a prophet from the Bible. You know, there's various prophets mentioned or whatever. And I'm just like, I am not a Bible person. I read the Bible, I go to church, but I am not that person. And as soon as she said, explain to me the things that I went through as a teenager was God preparing me as a prophet. I'm just like, Shut up talking to me. I got it. And I just, I couldn't, I couldn't fathom that. I was a person who went out every every other weekend. Um, fish fries at the local bar, you know, that was me. And my then husband, you know, when we went places, we bought the bar joints. That's what we were so that I for someone to tell me this is who I suppose I don't I don't agree with that. And it didn't take much for the ball to start rolling that. Eventually I started having spiritual interactions with the Lord like Oh, okay. So you're not gonna let me run from this then. And four years later, I was at a church service. And it was it was one of those highly emotional church services. And the minister came to me and said, You have a call to ministry on your life. And I literally smiled and nodded and backed up to leave the church. And I'm just like, I can't do this, you know, I, this is not. And at that point, I had already started changing some things in my life, accepting the prophetic part, I'm not ready to accept being a minister, and the understanding that I had. And one day, one day, not too long after that, probably 2009. I just said, I'm no longer going to run. I'm just not. Because I started to get into positions where I had to answer for who I was. And also for who I was, I had to help. And because even as an entrepreneur is an even as a person who was in a career with city government, that's all I knew how to do a man basically what we call it in churches, being a servant. That's all I knew how to do coaching is being a servant, helping somebody build a business, even though I get paid for it, you follow it serving someone to help them in the classes that they're in. And I just had to stop running. So I stopped and everything just kind of hit ahead. I started writing more my marriage, which, you know, wasn't supposed to be, which I knew many years prior, started to dissolve. And my relationship with God started to increase. And with that, I completely stepped away from the creative side of me, you know, as far as you know, because I'm still doing the gift side of business. Even though I was coaching, I completely stepped away from that, and 100% all in on coaching. And it was 2015, 2014, 2015, when the name changed, and God had me writing, I wrote my first Christian fiction. And I created a teaching off of even off of that, where I couldn't be coach Dana, I had to be the business lifestyle counselor, because as as a person who brings faith to the table, I can counsel them on ways that someone else probably could not. And then dwelve into the coaching side of it. So yeah, I ran for I ran for you can see about four or five years, until I couldn't run anymore. And here I am.
Leighann Lovely 23:05
And that's, that's an amazing story. And let me ask you something, when you stopped running, Didn't it feel? Totally different? Wasn't it? So much less? Exhausting?
Dana Williamson 23:23
Leighann Lovely 23:25
that is an answer I was expecting.
Dana Williamson 23:29
No, and I was just and I'm going to explain that because some people think that once you decide to get on the what people call the right side of the Lord, then you're good, right? No, no, no, you have a responsibility, which means in the Bible talks about carrying a heavy burden. But when you carry that burden you have helped carrying, so it should lesson it doesn't less than what you think in your mind. It doesn't less than what you feel. Because now you have this whole I'm here to help. So I'm here to serve. So now you start to see everything that needs your service, if not your service you to refer to someone else. So it wasn't easier. It was it was okay what I've decided to do this, I need your help because I don't have anyone else. The young lady that was on the job was no longer there. Then I resigned from the city in 2013. So now it's Menzies and it was not an easy thing because people did not understand walking 100% with God, and if you are a person who depends on you know, you want people to understand and support you and Pat's on the back and blah, blah, blah. And they don't know ma'am, it was not easy. It was not it got better and even still today as things change in my life spiritually, and as an entrepreneur, no, ma'am, it's still something, I continue to walk, I walk with less hesitancy, right. But I continue to walk forward.
Leighann Lovely 25:17
That's very interesting. You know, and I suppose sometimes decisions, the reason we are so hesitant to make decisions is because we know that once we've made that decision full on, the work doesn't stop. It's now and now we have to put forth all of that effort, and all of that work. For me, I ran from, you know, myself for so long and accepting the idea that I had bipolar and accepting the idea that people would find out for me, that was hiding something for you, I was accepting something. So it was, it's a total different, it's a total difference. For me, when I finally accepted that people, you know, if I announced it, people are either gonna like me, or they're not, it was out of my control for this completely within your control, but now you had to put forth the effort. So Well, that's it.
Dana Williamson 26:16
But if I can add to that, you know, when you go into a career, um, when you change careers, and you know, this is something you want to be in for the long run, you go through a training, you have to accept, for instance, I left restaurant bar supply in order to work for city government, those are were two different way different. You know, and, you know, I had, I knew it was good for me financially. But I had to go through a training I had to, and, um, and, you know, I was thinking, I less, I took a pay cut, to come here, only to be blessed six months later, but nonetheless, um, that was 2001. And then in 2000, for less than you, okay, so you get the story on that. But nonetheless, you change careers, you go through this whole transition, it was the same thing for me to decide that, okay, let me walk in this ministry, or walk in the fact that I'm supposed to minister and this this is me, it's it's comparable to having a job. You know, you make make that transition. I'm considering, like, what you're saying about having bipolar, and people finding it out. It is. People, people found out I left this job and took a pay cut to go here. Financially, it'll work out when you when you when people look at you and they know you just as Leanne, but then they find out okay, well, Leanne also lives with having bipolarism it's, is it something that you have that fear that people gonna look at you differently? Right? Because because you have this, this now they know about this thing that you've actually been living with? And and then it comes down to? I don't care.
Leighann Lovely 28:17
Right? You know, I hope and, you know, and if somebody does, hey, I don't, I don't need them in my life. Right? Exactly. And same goes for you. When when they when you talk about your fate, you know, because again, I go back to you know, apologizing for something that you are something that you love, you should never ever have to do that. And I'm a true believer in that doesn't matter who you are, what you are, as long as you are doing or trying your absolute best. Now, there's always exceptions to the rules, because I know that somebody out there is thinking, Well, what if there's always exceptions to the rules?
Dana Williamson 28:58
Leighann Lovely 28:59
The point is, that you're, you know, you're on a righteous path in some way or another and you're trying to, you know, basically do to others what you would have them do to you, it basically comes down to a man, right, I you know, I couldn't walk into a room and be like, Hey, guys, I just want everybody to know I'm a murderer. I'm sure that people would be like, oh, yeah, we'll accept you for who you are. Well, no, that's not how it works. I just want to put that out there that's I'm not saying that I am accepting of this that is not a standard you know, personality trait that is acceptable to me, anyways, but no matter who you are, and you know what you are, I truly believe that people should be accepting because there are such a variety of individuals out there that that just need to be heard want to be understood. And and I love the I love the energy that you have. I love the energy that you bring to a room. And again, I go back to the first time that you and I really said, I think we had seen each other one time. And then we saw each other again. And I just remember that I heard you speak and I'm like, I have to know her. And then we sat down. And we talked and I probably could have talked to you for you know, many hours. Because you just you truly do you bring in energy that make people It makes people want to be around you, which makes sense to one why you got a calling to, you know, from God, why you're successful at being a, you know, a counselor, a coach, and it's why somebody would want to reach out to you for your for that type of service. to land. What I'm really interested is, you know, now you authored a book, and we, you said about six years ago, you'd had a what? Tell me? I'm not, I'm not gonna answer this. Tell me a little bit more about the book that you that you would authored.
Dana Williamson 31:00
Okay, so I personally have authored, I'm almost 50 books, and that would be print and eBooks. That's right, you you actually have a business? That is correct. Yes, I actually have a publishing company that I don't because of how we just talked about how things change quickly. Yeah, I have a public company that I have clients. And right now, we're not accepting any new ones as of yet. But yes, I have a publishing company. I started that to kind of answer your question, because I think I know what you're getting to. I started that in 2012, another urgence, um, you know, from the Lord to do to help others. And what I can say about the particular book that I just mentioned, where the young lady found me, I was asked to join, it's 20 Women who wrote a chapter on, on being woman, you know, in in that time, and I say that time as if it's a whole decade ago, but it's not, you know, it was only six years. But at that time, you know, things were very different. We were going into an election year, we were, we had just I think Obama had been in office two, two times, things were different for us, we were changing, but we had to look at it from an individual perspective, not as a an entire nation perspective. And so one of the things that was, you know, really kind of important to me, was making sure that I said my piece in my piece, how I knew it. Um, and, you know, I have to tell you that the head of that anthology, we went back and forth a little bit because she didn't like how this was worded, or she didn't like how that was worded. And I said, Look, I'll step away, because one thing I do as a publisher, and as a writer, is I write from whatever is within and once once the Spirit says, I'm done, I'm done. I try to change any of my clients wording. So when I tried to ask people not to do the same thing for me, because once you make it what you want, it becomes not my story, right? Once we, we got that part out. She was like, You know what, you're right. And so this chapter that I wrote that this young lady found me, I feel, you know, I after talking to her, I had to humbly sit down and say, Lord, I thank you because I had to argue the fact that this had to be my story, this one chapter 1000 2000 words, Adam, it had to be my story. Otherwise, it was not going to I would, I would totally bow out. And, you know, as a as a writer, as a writer. What I tell people, let me say this as a publisher, when I tell potential clients, if you're looking for a best seller, I am not your company. I am looking, you know what I mean? Because if you're writing to get your piece out to the masses, and let's get it out to the masses, the masses for you might be one on 100. You have to be okay with one or 100. Because if you're looking to sell more books you can get I don't even think people understand what best selling means. It doesn't mean it's the greatest. It means that for however many numbers you sold, you became a best seller. If you want to reach the masses with the meat, then I'm your girl. But that's that's where I am. You know what, even in writing, even in the career choices that I've had, and even in being bad coach Dana, it is the reality of being the individual. Right? Not being what everybody wants you to be.
Leighann Lovely 35:14
Right. And that's what authenticity is. It's it's digging in and saying, I am who I am. I'm not going to hold who you want me to be, and then be. And that's absolutely why I love you. That's absolutely why you and I, you know, hit it off, because you walked into the room with your own personal swagger. And I totally loved it. And that, that's the kind of people that I like to talk to on this podcast. It's because of the your authenticity. So we are coming. So I have, we're coming to time, I have one more question for you. The question of the season, if you could pin an end, you know, we've covered so much ground, so I'm going to be interested to hear what you have to say on this one. But if you could pinpoint a time period in your career that made a huge difference in your life or your career path. When would that be and why?
Dana Williamson 36:13
Oh my gosh. Okay. Yeah, it would be, May 15 2021. And I'll tell you what happened.
Leighann Lovely 36:24
That's so it's all specific.
Dana Williamson 36:28
I'll tell you, it's specific because it kind of ties in how we even originally met. If this hadn't happened. You and I would have never met. Okay. So in May of 2021, I went to cigar week in Houston. And I went just to go, I need to travel, I need to get out I needed to do the things that I knew I needed to do as an entrepreneur, not to just to have fun, but as an entrepreneur. So I went to learn as well as I went to grow, you know, as my circle of friends, let's just say that. And on the last day, I met a lady who I would like to pin as even a social media influencer. I met her we vibed very well. And when I say we vibed very well, she pulled out that I was a minister or spiritual person, without me having to tell her. Um, she actually mentioned to me within the first hour of us meeting. We're at cigar week. She smokes cigars. Now? I do. I do not because because I was interested in the lifestyle. Nonetheless, that's a whole nother podcast. nonetheless. When I left there, she contacted me and she became my coach. And I got to learn more about the culture, more about who I was, and who I was still holding back from. As far as an entrepreneur as far as coach Dana. Over the months time, I started to acclimate myself in the lifestyle, looking at the different things, finding out what's going on in my own city. In regards to that, and I met a I met a few great people. But I met two great people who introduced me to two great, two other great people. One of the introductions was at the event that you and I met at the gentleman that had that event basically introduced us. And, um, it was a cigar networking event, cigars and everything. And as a minister that has that. I've gotten a lot of backlash on that. Okay, that's all. But cuz that's supposed to be taboo, or whatever, whatever. I don't even know. But I had another minister, tell me Give me a scripture to give people and I'm just like, I never thought of that. Nonetheless, if I hadn't been introduced to the lifestyle, if I hadn't gotten into my own prayer closet and have my own conversation with the Lord about this. If I hadn't allowed myself to be open to possibilities, I wouldn't have realized that everything that I've talked about, as far as being back home today, no, or the original backplane of the roundtable was being held back because I was holding myself back from all of the possibilities that were out there that were outside of traditional church that was outside of places that I don't go to clubs or anything like that. You follow me? People, people feel as if, in order to be in the lifestyle you have to be in this lifestyle. This, this whole going out partying and all of that, and it isn't that. And I had to have my own conversation with God to realize that. And I had to be open to whatever the possibilities are. Leighann, can I tell you, I've ministered more. In the past year, we'll know, in the past eight months to people, whether at a cigar lounge or at a cigar event than I did prior to that. And that really changed me in understanding what I hold. From time to time people will see on social media, especially they asked as women, you know, what do you bring to the table? And I realized in the past eight months, maybe I don't bring anything to the table, I build the table. You know,
Leighann Lovely 40:54
That's awesome. And here's here's, you know, people automatically assume you know that. And before I say this, first of all, every time I go to a funeral or a wedding and the minister or the the pastor is invited to the party afterwards, he's got a drink in his hands. After you know, the after party. It's a common thing. Okay. I mean, I just recently went to a funeral. And the pastor came to the after party, and had a couple of drinks. So you know, that's not taboo. At least not in the circles that I've been in. I mean, it's not, there was nothing wrong with now do I see them get drunk? No. I mean, that probably would be taboo. but no cigar smoking is has been long as a pastime that one, men have always, you know, you always see the typical, you know, cigar smoker is the old guy sitting in a chair somewhere, rocking slowly, with a glass of whiskey, which is now not were not what you see in a cigar smoker, I've seen a ton of women who will sit back and smoke a cigar and have a glass of whiskey or a beer and, and enjoy it. Now, to your point in what you were saying about, you've done more ministry with these people, these individuals that you have met in the last eight months, when you have a relaxed crowd having a conversation with a cigar, and a drink in their hand, they are more open to have conversations about a wide variety of topics. They're in their environment, they're open to conversations that you have a captive audience. And you know what, these people are amazing people who want to have these in depth conversations, they are most likely individuals who are also not necessarily attending church on a regular basis because people shun them. Because how dare you smoke a cigar and drink a glass of whiskey on a regular basis. This is a perfect audience. And it's forward. It's forward thinking for a church to say, hey, instead of always making the people come to you go to the people.
Dana Williamson 43:20
That's what the Bible says.
Leighann Lovely 43:22
Correct? If you you know, and you and I have this conversation, I am not a wildly religious person. I'm a very spiritual person in nature. i Yes. And and I do not believe that you need to go to a church in order to you know, praise your God in order to be a religious individual. Exactly. I am always willing to have a conversation will not always please don't, you know, hit me up in a random place about politics religion, or but in the right setting. I'm I'm I am always open to talking about spiritual things as long as it is not with an individual that is completely one sided and is trying to push their their beliefs on me. Agenda. Yeah, you're right. You're right. But if you're, if you're open to having a conversation like that, and open to hearing all different sides of it, I love those conversations. So your answer was brilliant. And I applaud you for standing by who you are as a person. Thank you. So this has been an awesome conversation. Is it has it has been so I thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today. You are so welcome. I again. I'm so glad to have been here. This has been great. This has been great. If anybody wants to reach out to you to talk to you about you know, your coaching or anything. How would they go about doing that?
Dana Williamson 44:54
Well, I you know what, I am all over social media. For one I probably shouldn't be but I have. All over social media, you can always find me as B.A.D Queen B, that's B.A.BqueenD Or you just email me at again you can find the bad brand on Facebook on Instagram. Listen, I'm even on Tik Tok. I am also on LinkedIn as Dana Williamson. And but otherwise, yeah, you can definitely call me. I'm sorry, email me at info at bad day Murray calm or just find me on social media. I am more willing to talk or introduce you to what I have available with my sub services. Excellent. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I've had a wonderful time.
Leighann Lovely 45:51
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