Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Nigerian Recruiter and HR Manager in the Tech Industry!
This is one amazing conversation with an ambitious young professional that has made it his mission to pass on his positivity and success to Africans that are looking for an opportunity at great positions. Living in Nigeria nothing has been given to Joseph, he has worked hard for where he is and continues to do so. He helps others in the tech industry find great jobs, and declared on LinkedIN that his goal was to help 1 million Africans find jobs.
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Leighann Lovely 00:20
HR professionals, business owners and operations at all levels are struggling to figure out what needs to change. Our system has been shocked practices have been questioned, and conversations are finally happening. We all know there has been a huge shift in what people want. inclusion and diversity are common phrases. But often misunderstood generations are coming together more than ever on what's important. Mental health has been brought to the forefront of everyone's mind. Let's humanize these conversations. Let's talk about what's important for employees to be successful in life and at their job and how companies can create an environment to allow them to do both because successful people will make up a successful workforce. I'm Leighann. Lovely. Let's get this conversation started. Today, it is my pleasure to introduce Joseph Nnnein, he is a dynamic HR manager certified from the University of Minnesota. Additionally, he is an entrepreneur with a passion for utilizing technology to drive positive change in Africa. With an extensive knowledge and experience in HR and business. He leads we recruit him a unique human resource management agency that connects esteemed brands with top African talent. He strongly believes that blockchain technology will play a pivotal role in addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing Africa today. I'm honored to have the opportunity to talk with Joseph today. Joseph, thank you so much for joining me today. I have been so excited to have this conversation with you.
Joseph Nssein 02:02
Wonderful. I'm so happy to be here. Because this is actually the first podcast I have been ever. So it's it's kind of like new ground. So we am so excited to you know, these new grounds. Very happy to be here. Thank you, Leanne for inviting me.
Leighann Lovely 02:20
Yeah, well, part of the reason that I was excited that I'm so excited to talk with you is you would actually had an amazing post on LinkedIn that that intrigued me and I started following you. But before we jump into that, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself and where you're from?
Joseph Nssein 02:40
Okay, okay. Oh, a little bit about myself. So, there's a lot to talk about, well, let me just try to pinpoint where to start from. Okay, so, I'm, I'm 22. I'm from Nigeria. My name is Joseph MC, and I'm from Nigeria, we are quite on stage. So, um, it's been, you know, it's been a journey, I'm still in the university. I'm a student, actually, I'm in my third level, in the university doing computer science. But one thing about me is that I've been really like, I really have this qualities in me since I was little, I always relates very well to people. And, you know, when I went out of high school, and I went out of high school, I basically, you know, I went into the work through space that is in blockchain, technology, and all of that. And that is where I kind of like build my career. And, you know, things really kicked off. And last year, that was around November, December, I really, you know, went fully into my career as a human resource manager. That is, from my costs, I should study from the University of Minnesota. That is where I got certified as a as an HR manager. And yeah, that's just a little about me. So I've done a lot of things. I've been a community manager for several web three projects. Being a social media manager. Well, I feel like my calling for now is in human resource. And I really love interacting with people meeting new people, you know, I really love it. So that's just a little bit about me.
Leighann Lovely 04:27
So one of the reasons or the way that I actually found you was from a post, excuse me, from a post that you had put on LinkedIn, it was actually a little story about about yourself and your background. And I was wildly intrigued by that because you followed that up by saying that you had a love for for human resources you had a love for helping others to find you know, jobs. And, and I've forgive me for stalking cyber stalking you a little bit. But it looks like you're very plugged into your community, you are very looking very much like you're you're trying to help your community as much as you can to Yeah, you know, assist them in finding jobs. And I would love to know more about your journey in finding a passion for that, and what you're doing to assist, you know, young individuals in finding their career paths and then finding jobs.
Joseph Nssein 05:32
Yeah, okay. Okay, this is going to be a pretty funny and sad story at the time. So everything started for me, I think, um, when I got off of high school, so I did a lot of things, right. So the first job I ever had, I had as a school teacher, lesson school teacher after school teaching to three kids. So basically, I was taking them on, you know, just courses, English, mathematics and all these basic courses. So during the course of my Steger, I think in a month, I was being requested to come and see the person, the father of the kids. So he asked me, if I, if I had a degree in teaching, that was a degree from the Nigerian from college. I was like, No, I do have a degree. And I'm not in the university yet in Japan. Well, I'm very good at what I do. I'm very good with mathematics with English and all of that. And well, he was like, No, we need a professional. Someone says why? And yeah, that was how I lost the very best job I had. And moving further when I left the job. Not really, like when I got fired. I went into I had a bunch of friends. We were We were very close. Always. Yeah. Okay, so we had this shop, he was a shop of my friend. He is into selling wines. He was selling wines for us. So we always get out there and kind of like discuss among ourselves. Yeah, we always go there to talk about how to go into the digital space, and stuff like that. So I'm basically taught my friends teach. Okay, Carl, you and Christopher, very good friend of mine team today, we started something, they went into web three, they were doing what we called bounty hunting. And then I was just I was someone that I was, I had a vision that I'm gonna do well in programming. So that was where my focus was. But something happened that really dragged me into that path as well. They had this Christoper bought a laptop. Yeah. That was just after, I think a few months after we got, we got up out of high school. And then a few months later, Siddiqui got a new phone. That was very intriguing to me. I was like, going, I literally, I went forward to ask them that, okay, you talked about this thing, tell me more about it. I would also like to come in and also, you know, do this thing. And then that was when to get actually brought me into the entire web three space, taught me everything I needed to know. And I started I started my journey, that back then I was kind of like writing articles. That was for my boss. Her name is soft mine. So I was just writing articles for hire for starting that was around 500 words, to 1000 word article, and I think I was being paid around 509 I don't think that's even up to $1. So, um, that was what I was being paid. And in cost of time, I think during the COVID hit, and everybody went back, I was in school then I got admitted into the University of New York to study computer science. And during that period, I went back home. And in school, I was living in a one. Just one room. So the bathroom that was shared. You know the toilet was a shared toilet and you just have your one room that was the kind of room I was with my prep that somewhere. So when I went back home, I told myself that yeah, I'm never going back to that kind of life. I have to make something out of myself before I go back to school. And then I really went into writing articles for her. I could I write Around 10 articles to 15 articles baby so that I can raise around 5000 Naira to 10,000 every day. So in cost of this, I, I had a job from teacher K, my friend, he told me that the community is working on is looking for people that can make the, your community active. And it would like me to, like manage one to like, be among them. I was like, yeah, no problem, since it's gonna be a little better. That was like, every month, I'm getting like, 6000. There. It was, it was good for me that I said, No problem, I'm gonna do it. And I started it. And in cars, before a month, the owner of the community saw what I was doing. And he was like, Yeah, I was really performing well in the community. And it would love me to be able to contribute to their product. That is, anytime they have a new products are put into the market, I should review the product, give them my feedback. And then before they release it into the product. And that was our goal. My first job of $200 now was $200 a month. That was around September 2020. And going further, that was during December to January, yeah, during December to January, I got my first P, I got my first P and had two options with a B, this was the crazy part had two options for the B. So first, I wanted to get a laptop for myself. Then my mom, she did not have a phone. It was like crazy decision. My mom, she did not have a phone and I was like, What am I gonna do, it was like a crossroads. So I got my mobile phone. And I don't know, it's just everything was just like nature's blessing. And the day I got my mobile phone, I got another job with a venture that was x y ventures. It was a web three venture. That was how I got my second job, I just got a text from him to telling me that I've been doing well in the community, he's been noticing my work that he wants to do, he wants me to come to the activities in his community and the project is working on. And that was how I got my second job. And I actually got around three, four jobs from him, which was a pretty good income for me. That was how I that was just immediately after I got my mom her phone, and then I got three jobs the same day, I got myself a PC and a new mobile phone. Then moving for the moving for the I definitely I got into, I got connected to Mr. Andrew, even to a venture where basically, I began working for him. And then that was when he needed more steps to the projects most of to the company. And it told me if I knew anybody, and that was when everything started kicking off, I started referring people to jobs to him, you know, I started, you know, just I didn't even know what I was doing or basically even results I was at. So I basically started doing these little things for him recruiting people to the, to the venture to protect different people, both people, I think, things people I recruited was born from Africa, and from India, at most powers, people are actually focused on recruiting them. And time shoots so fast. From 2021, I was really doing well in the web three space, and 2022. During the everything, you know, the bear market kicked in, everything was kind of down, but I was still doing well by the grace of God. Then moving further, he got to a stage that Andrew wanted to start his own personal another company, a real estate company. And he I was asked to he asked me to bring up stuff that will work with him. So I approached the staff, they really did well. And he was so happy with the results he was getting. And he told me he told me something that was where everything just clicked in my head. He told me something he told me that. Do you wonder what a concierge service is? I said no idea. And he said a conscious of is that I could actually help people help companies recruit and find talent, especially in Africa, that a lot of companies are trying to move into Africa to like find talent in Africa. Because that was when that clicked to me when he told me that he told me I should look into it and give him feedback. And I did that was when I discovered the human resource and everything that was last year. And when I saw that I decided to you know know more about him. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube and I asked a lot of questions to people I know. Then I saw this course on Coursera that human resource costs To manage who is a specialization, I decided to take it. And I've been practicing since then. That is, and when it comes to my aspect of helping Africans, I grew up I grew towards point, African is a place that a lot of people find it very hard to grow. So my friends helped me to get started with my career. And ever since then I have always offered to help people get started in the, into the in the directory space. And in any other digital, these things are free, I don't charge, I basically help them, you know, get started, I think for the past two or three years that I've been here, I've helped almost 20 people and more, get really good things in the space, they have started up the NPR doing really well today. So I taught them from the beginning, from everything, the basics till they get the advanced knowledge. And it's really something I really, really makes me happy when I see young people grow. I mean, it was something that I had the opportunity to learn. And I said, Okay, I can't have this knowledge alone, I spread it out. And that was where we've been kicked out till I had the idea of starting the company where I can really focus on, you know, helping young people in Africa, you know, making them competitive in the job market as well, because there are a lot of young people out there with lots of talent, beautiful talent, I see them every day, but they don't have that opportunity. They don't have that stage that I had. So given them that stage to really go out there really do something of with their lives and really make an income for yourself. It's something very, it's something in me that I see that I must achieve this. That is why I don't know, that's how the whole story of how I am here to be.
Leighann Lovely 17:08
So now you had mentioned something you say that you don't get paid for assisting people in finding different for in finding jobs.
Joseph Nssein 17:20
Yeah, that is that is for? That is when I started. Yeah, that is when I started, I recruited young people, you know, and get them into the company and into different roles. I didn't, I didn't charge anything, I didn't charge anything. They were good. It was for free. But now the company is fully active, the company is really active. We will be it will be a commission based on these things from the company, not from the, you know, talents that are recruiting.
Leighann Lovely 17:55
So you're set up very much like a staffing company would be here in the US done, which is yes. Okay. Well, excellent. And it sounds like once you found your path, you're the passion. I mean, just listening to you talk the passion that you have is I mean, it comes from your soul. It it comes from, you know, deep within me, it just comes out in your world. Yes. That's amazing. Yeah.
Joseph Nssein 18:29
Thank you. Thank you. I mean, it. It's something that, you know, every time we think about the number of young people out there looking for just that one opportunity. Yeah, they're looking for that one opportunity, someone that will give them a chance and say, okay, just do it. Just try these, some of them are so lost, they don't have a portfolio. They are just I meet a lot of them every day. And they told me and some, a lot of them have sent me messages. I mean, every day, I have over 20 messages from a lot of Africans telling me that, okay, they want me to mentor them. They want me to, you know, find a way to show them how they can get started with their different digital skill. So active skill sets already. Some do know how to start from LinkedIn to Twitter, even physically in the university. I have a lot of them in the university that come to me every day and tell me they want to you know start up something with your life they want to because in Nigeria presently, there's literally no jobs in the country. That is the sad thing. The government is not helping the people when it comes in terms of jobs. So everybody so simple, that digital skill outside and it's they're finding it hard to do so. And when it comes to the problem of electricity in the country, problem of internet connection, and all of that it's just weighing down on young people, so they just need that direction. Someone to show them that part. And that is what I really look forward to, you know, building to do. So that I know from the my mission, my mission is to my mission is to raise 1 million Africans to be competitive in the job market. That is my goal. And I hit a few of their numbers, I think around 20 and get a lot to go. But yeah, we can do it, I know that I can do it. I know, I'm going to send the wrong, young people out there to be competitive in the job market. And they can come back and see in future that, okay, Joseph, NCI helped us do this. That is what I am looking out for myself, that is what I want.
Leighann Lovely 20:48
Well, and that's part of what intrigued me and one of your posts is that you had said, my goal is to help a million, you know, individual or African, you know, individuals Yeah, find opportunities, and to make a statement like that, and to have the passion that you have at such a young age. You know, that's, that's amazing, I commend you. But to also to also have risen. You know, through what you've gone in, don't get me wrong, I have no concept of of your life, I obviously, I'm growing up in, you know, the United States, I have no concept of what you've what your life path has been like, but to to be the voice to go out there and to continue to follow your dream, while being a bumpy one, while being you know, it's No, nobody's life is ever a straight path, right. But you continue to post you continue to, hopefully, provide hope for everybody in your community and beyond your community, which is why I was so drawn to you, because you clearly have a vision. And I love that. I absolutely. I absolutely love that. And if there's anything that I can do, you know, to help push that vision of yours forward through even the smallest soundbite out there. I'm, I'm all I'm all about that. So let me ask you this. How do you go about getting your clients? Are these companies that you go to? Or is it you had mentioned a boss? How do you? How do you know where these jobs are and available to help these individuals? You know, ended up employed out?
Joseph Nssein 22:48
Yeah, that's a very beautiful question. The thing, the thing with the job, one thing is that it's something I've been doing for the past two years, three years, something I've been doing. So I really, I really have the, I don't know, it's just, it's just happened sometimes. Yeah, on some I got some of the jobs is to referrals from the dependent companies I'm connected with. So especially in the web space now. So lots of them, you know, startup and my bosses are connected with different projects. So when they have opportunities, and when they have openings, they are basically going to ask me to Okay, we have these openings, can you find someone that could cover it? And that's where I go ahead and, and also, personally, I also send, I also source for jobs on LinkedIn. So see, for an example, a company should put up an ad on LinkedIn, about a rule, they have openings, I always go to them to tell them that, okay, I have, I have, I can bring somebody for the show that could really satisfy this position. And then they might go, and a lot of them always send back a reply and say, Yeah, go ahead, and you know, fine, bring someone and I would go ahead and you know, find someone and give them and on Twitter as well. Twitter is one of the beautiful networks I love using when it comes to job hunting. And also, not even hunting it myself. There's also some things that actually do as well, when I see openings that I know that okay, I don't have a talent for this, but I know someone that could benefit from this, I can always share the the job opportunity to them and tell them okay, this is how you go about applying it so that you don't mess up so that you get it right. The first time you can actually get the interview. I kind of like give them the guidelines, how to set their resume, how to write the cover letter and all of that so that when they apply, they actually learn to grow. So yeah, I have a lot of other strategies I add together to make sure that at least every month I know that It's okay, I've given job opportunities to at least two or three people for now. And maybe in the future, you know, do more for, you know, more people.
Leighann Lovely 25:09
Right? Well, and it's in this in your processes is pretty much, you know, the same as what, you know, we do what I have done historically, as you know, my background being in in recruitment and placement. And so it's, you know, shows that no matter where you are in the world, you know, the process is the same. What are some of the greatest challenges that you have? And actually, let me ask you this first, do you recruit mainly in the tech space? So technology? Do you? Do you mainly in the technology space?
Joseph Nssein 25:43
Yes. Mainly, we recruit in the technology space. But recently, recently, we've had, I've had other people reach out to me, having other people reach out to me to kind of like, you know, bring up steps for them physically, for companies physically here in Nigeria. So different companies are featured, I think some few real estate companies and other administrative companies like that, you know, reached out to me too, you know, like, get some people for their roles they have available. So, but mainly mainly mainly, majorly, it's for the technological space I have people recruited for.
Leighann Lovely 26:24
Awesome. And so what are some of the main challenges that you that you come up against?
Joseph Nssein 26:30
What you say other things, I'd venture into direct? Did I get direct
Leighann Lovely 26:35
challenges? Other some of the challenges that you come up against?
Joseph Nssein 26:40
Okay. Well, firstly, let me just start with the challenges I literally have right now. Press is. See, we, we, sometimes I, sometimes the electricity is very bad, that you cannot power your system or your phones, that it could be bad. Like, I think this past few days, we had electron shortage of electricity for about two days. And we had to run the generator of that is really, really number one challenge. And secondly, it's the internet connection, or to the place I moved away from the place I was before, please, I am right now. Please, I am right now. It's we have really good internet connection. So that was another challenge I had, and going into the aspect of job hunting, right. You will get some for the job, you will pass the interview, and which obviously each onboarding and everything be expected to. So that was another challenge that I had. And again, it has some kind of roles that are not really easy to do, I had to spend these, you know, even sometimes weeks to find the right candidate for some engineering roles. So that is like a few challenges have had.
Leighann Lovely 28:14
And so are the majority of these roles. Are they all remote roles where these individuals are? I mean, are any of these individuals on site?
Joseph Nssein 28:26
Yeah, no, oh, guys have worked for all that I have remote roles. So the particular one was for a, a blockchain engineer that had gotten used on smart contracts and below other distinct specifications for the job. So when I think it took me about three weeks before I could find the right person for that role. I had to search everybody that came up. After the interview, you see, they were lacking one thing or the other. Some did not have the complete skill sets needed. And it was just so it took me three weeks. And finally, I found that I could actually do it. And after the interview I presented is still with the company today. And he's doing absolutely well in the company today. It's crazy sometimes.
Leighann Lovely 29:20
Right? And as far as your clients, are they are they all in one particular area? Or are they I mean, the majority of your clients, where are they located?
Joseph Nssein 29:35
Okay, um, majority are in the web three space, I think, if you few, one is from the real estate industries and the jobs in the real estate, and E he has a lot of requests every time because it's a large company. So I think every day they always need subs. And that's one thing that's amazing with that I And we'll majorities from the web three web page.
Leighann Lovely 30:03
But I mean, are they? Are they physically located? You had mentioned, you know, finding jobs in Nigeria is there's just not the jobs there. Right. So are the clients, Nigeria? Or are they in Africa? Or are they in another country?
Joseph Nssein 30:20
Yeah. Most of them are in another country. Only a few in Nigeria.
Leighann Lovely 30:25
Interesting. So that gives you I mean, you are, you're basically an international recruiter.
Joseph Nssein 30:34
Yeah, you could say something like that. Yeah.
Leighann Lovely 30:38
I mean, that that's really that's, I mean, if you're working, you're you're placing candidates, you know, across, you know, countries rights, which is, yeah, that's a skill, that is definitely a skill, you're doing everything remote. With limited resources. If you're struggling with electricity, internet connection, that throws a whole nother challenge. And yet, it sounds like you're successful at it.
Joseph Nssein 31:09
Yeah. You know, you know, when I started all of these, you know, I don't, I'm someone that looks like you can pass limitations. Yeah, I do. I don't really see that as limiting to me. Because sometimes when I don't have electricity, I just, you know, find a place a cyber cafe or something like that, you know, to go, just go work there. That was what I've been doing for a while before I got myself a generator to, you know, so when I don't have the when there's no electricity, I could justify to myself. And I have a lot of experience around the web three space and working with international clients, which made it a lot easier for me to relate with different companies internationally. Yeah, so that was why everything seems so smooth. Because I hunted for lots of jobs of different companies, I think I've worked for the Chinese have worked for someone in India focus on when in the US, according to someone in the UK, and pretty much a lot remote work remotely. So it's been fun, you know, meeting different people talking with different, you know, meeting different managers, it's been fun, and with all that experience, so when I go out to look for jobs, for other people, it's really kind of smooth, I know how to relate with them. And I know how to tell the person I'm recruiting that, okay, this is how you're going to, you know, manage your job here, when you go here, this is the kind of things you do, this is the kind of things you look out for, and none of that. So keeping the person very ready for the job, so that when they go in there, when they are on boarded, they know that, okay, these are the kinds of norms that are accepted. This is the cultural thing of the company, and that they can basically position themselves very well in the company. Well, I always tell them, especially those from Nigeria, to some hiring from Nigeria that, you know, you should always be prepared, you should always have backup for everything, so that you don't get lost in your jobs, especially when it comes to internet connection. There might be a DD that some network suppliers will, you will have network for an entire day. So I always tell them to you know, have different internet service provider so that when this all goes you, you can jump on to the next and still continue working that you should just look past the limitations that are in Nigeria, because yeah, if I can do it, you can do it. If someone out there, my friends could do it. We could do it, then definitely do it. That's my circle. You know, we said taxes, we set goals for ourselves every year. And we have like a end of year meetup where all of us come back because when right now we are not in the same state anymore. I went to the University, some of them went different places in Nigeria. So at the end of the year, we all had that goal that we said, we come back together to like talk about and figure out something new for the new year. So that is how we just been you know, working together.
Leighann Lovely 34:20
That's amazing. That's that's absolutely amazing. I'm, I'm in awe of you. And I just I just want my audience to know that one. And I don't mean this as an insult, Joseph, you look like you're 12 I know that you said you're 22 But and Joseph has a huge smile. And when I said that, just as my audience can't see. But you know, you look you look extremely young. You clearly you know, have one drive you you clearly have true authenticity, which is why I was so completely taken by the post that you put out on LinkedIn, because in today's society, today's world, I truly believe what gret what people want to gravitate to. And the reason that people gravitate towards people like you is because you through your you through your story out there. You didn't hold back, you told you know your story about who you are, where you came from, and, and a little bit about, you know, how you came up. And I absolutely commend you for that. Excuse me. And all I can say is just continue doing what you're doing. Because you're helping people, you're helping people in your community. And that's what I would implore everybody to do is that the only thing that we can do is to try to help the people that that are in our own communities. And if more people did that we would all live in a better world. Yeah. But you know, this has been an awesome conversation. We're coming to time. And I'm going to ask you the final question of the season. I don't know if this applies, because you know, well, I'm going to ask you, the question of the season is, what would you change about your job, or the practice that people have in your role of your job? If you could change anything?
Joseph Nssein 36:18
Okay, if I could change anything in my job? What would that be? Right? Did I get you right? Sorry? Yeah, I think really get the last part.
Leighann Lovely 36:26
Yep. If you What would you change about your job, or the practice that people have in your role? Like doing your job? If you could change something about it?
Joseph Nssein 36:37
Okay. Okay. I do, I think, if there's anything to change it to be kind of thinking, because I don't believe though, I would say, Okay, let me just see if the change should be adding something, let me just put it like that change was to add something, I would really love to add languages, like different languages to myself, right. So that I can communicate with people in different languages. Because sometimes I think, when you when you want, especially when it comes to technical rules, and stuff like that, when you really want to communicate with someone, there is, I think, especially in Nigeria, where we have a lot of languages, lots of languages, sometimes these technical things have needs to be broken down into the language so that they can really understand what you're talking about. So that will be one thing I would really love to do. If I could, if I have the ability to change it out of working, let me speak like contract law, which is, I have to be really smooth, obvious that I can communicate with the people, I want to be very better, you know, when I go out there, and when I talk to them, I could talk to them in their language. And they would really, you know, understand what I'm trying to see. So that would be a change I would love.
Leighann Lovely 38:00
Don't you wish it was like a like our brains were kind of like a computer where you could just plug in that language and just know.
Joseph Nssein 38:09
Exactly. You just plug in the language as you can, you know, you have the thing. That will be
Leighann Lovely 38:18
one day that'll probably exist or something, won't it? Let's not get there. Well, Joseph, this has been, this has been such an amazing opportunity. I'm, I'm honored that you said yes to coming on and talking with me. If somebody wanted to reach out to you to learn more about you learn how they can work with you to help have you help them find a job or a company that wants to reach out to you for recruiting efforts, how would they reach out to you?
Joseph Nssein 38:53
Okay, so you can reach out to me via my email at Joseph Also, you could reach out to me on LinkedIn. at Joe's just search for Joseph Nssein. I could be the press profile to pop up. And then on Twitter, you can reach out to me on Twitter, my Twitter DMS are always open double underscore Big Joe. That is my Twitter name. And I think yeah, those are the three means you could reach out to me and also you could go to the website at WWE Kreutz W E RS WEC, our view it and You could go to the website and you can see all the contact information there and you can reach out to me and also you can reach out to Leighann, you can connect with me on LinkedIn
Leighann Lovely 39:52
And that will all be in the show notes. So if you are looking to reach out to Joseph you will be able to check the show notes where that will be listed and Again, Joseph, this has been an amazing conversation. Thank you so much for the opportunity to talk with you.
Joseph Nssein 40:05
Thank you. Thank you for having me. Really appreciate it. And I would really want to see one last thing, these quotes from I really like using it, especially to young people, they like telling them that the only the only limit to your impact is your imagination, and your commitment, something Anthony Robbins used to see. So despite anything that's happening in your life, despite anything that you're going through, just keep your brains keep your imagination on the goal that you want. That is how you conquer everything. When your brain when your mind is fixed on that being when your commitment is still on that thing and you have that consistency, you will achieve anything. So thank you very much Leighann it's so wonderful, conversing with you.
Leighann Lovely 40:55
So much wisdom from such a young person and well said thank you. Thank you again for listening to Let's Talk HR. I appreciate your time and support without you the audience this would not be possible. So don't forget that if you enjoyed this episode to follow us like us or share us. Have a wonderful day.
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